Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Scranton
Serving Lackawanna County and the Surrounding Communities
Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating, economical, and a great way to explore the roads of Northeastern Pennsylvania. They can also be dangerous, however, especially when car and truck drivers fail to respect the laws of the road. Motorcyclist have the same responsibilities and rights as other drivers, yet they are often ignored on our local roads and highways. When this happens, serious injuries can occur. It's important to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer in Scranton in this situation.
If you have been injured in a collision or wreck, contact Rogan Law at (570) 906-8532 to discuss your case during a free initial consultation.
Common Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident
Because of their relative lack of protection in comparison with the tons of steel and metal surrounding car and truck drivers, motorcyclists often bear the brunt of an accident. In addition to scrapes, bruises, contusions, and “road rash,” motorcyclists involved in accidents can suffer catastrophic injuries or even wrongful death. You may even suffer from internal injuries, such as those to your brain, spine, or organs; permanent impairment, such as amputation or paralysis; or injuries that leave you in need of long-term rehabilitative care.
In any of these situations, it is important to seek compensation. This financial help can cover economic damages, such as medical care and lost wages, or noneconomic damages, such as loss of consortium, pain and suffering, and other issues. Insurance companies, however, are not in the business of paying out the full and fair compensation you may be owed, as their priority is often their own bottom line. This can be complicated when the cost of your injuries fall on an uninsured and negligent driver.
Our motorcycle accident attorney in Scranton can help you fight for the compensation you need, holding negligent drivers and their insurance companies accountable for their wrongdoing. We will not rest until we’ve done all we could in helping you recover from your injuries.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Pennsylvania
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), most motorcycle crashes involve another larger vehicle on the road, and of these accidents, most of them included a violation of the motorcyclist’s right of way. This means that the majority of accidents are caused by an inattentive, distracted, or even impaired driver. According to the NHTSA, 98% of these collisions result in injury to the motorcycle rider, with about half of these cases resulting in serious injuries.
Scranton Motorcycle Accident Attorney
When you’ve been injured, do not hesitate to contact our Scranton motorcycle accident lawyer. We understand how serious these cases can be and we will take care to apply our decades of knowledge and experience to helping you and your family. Do not take any offers from the insurance company without first speaking to your attorney – Rogan Law will analyze your legal options and fight for the full compensation you need and deserve.
Call (570) 906-8532 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today.

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