Today's Times-Tribune details the natural gas industry's current push to label gas gathering pipelines as utilities, which would subject the companies that own the lines to some regulation, but would also give those companies the authority to invoke eminent domain. This could mean that, as the paper states, "Even property owners who don't want a pipeline on their land at any price could be forced to host it."
Industry spokespersons will argue their case before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission at public hearings in Great Bend and Montrose on Wednesday.
This development represents one more cause for concern for individuals living in the Marcellus Shale region. If you would like to learn more about how a Marcellus Shale attorney can help protect your rights as a resident or landowner in Scranton,
Wilkes-Barre, the
Poconos, Wayne County or any surrounding areas, then contact
Marcellus Shale lawyer at Rogan Law for a free consultation today.

Marcellus Shale Pipelines Seek Power to Invoke Eminent Domain
Patrick Rogan