Surgical Injuries
We have all heard the stories of surgeons making unforgivable mistakes like leaving an instrument or swab behind in a patient's body. We have heard about operations performed on the wrong body part or on the wrong patient. Unfortunately, these situations do occur. Victims of surgical negligence will need a skilled medical malpractice attorney to represent their interests and assist them in seeking financial compensation for the injuries they have suffered.
When undergoing surgery, a patient places his trust and often his life into the hands of the surgeon, anesthesiologist and other medical professionals on the case. Any failure to provide an acceptable level of care at any point in the process (pre-operation, during surgery, and post-operation) can result in serious injuries and even death.
Searching for a Lawyer for a Surgical Injury Case in Scranton?
If you or a loved one has been injured because of surgical negligence or malpractice, a lawyer at Rogan Law can help you by reviewing your case and determining whether you have a valid claim. We will have to prove some form of negligence to be able to take your case to court to seek financial damages, but this can be done by reviewing medical records, interviewing witnesses and working with medical experts to determine what went wrong. We represent clients throughout Northeast Pennsylvania and in the Pocono Mountain Region.
Surgical Errors and Malpractice
Following are example of surgical malpractice claims that our firm can handle:
- Anesthesia malpractice
- Leaving something behind
- Operating on the wrong body part
- Wrong operation
- Operating on the wrong side of the body
- Accidentally nicking an organ or other body part
- Malpractice or negligence in post-operative care
- Dental surgery malpractice
- Plastic surgery malpractice

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